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Inventive and Low Budget DIY Herb Container Ideas

Inventive and Low Budget DIY Herb Container Ideas

Here are just a few creative and inventive DIY ideas for creating your own herb containers:

  • Vintage style teacups can be reused as decorative planters just like the herb container in picture (3)
  • So too can old coffee or tea cans (4)
  • Mason jars
  • Use old kettles (5), or a broken toaster (6)?
  • Galvanized buckets
  • Use a pegboard and pegs to create a vertical garden in your home (The Pegboard House: Inventive Ideas on Using Pegboards Around the House)
  • Plastic bottles can be cut apart and painted to create modern looking herb planters – just like the one in picture (1)
  • Rope can be used to create a hanging planter stand (2)
  • Or use cinderblocks

Inventive herb storage ideas

Here are some other posts to get creative decor ideas from:

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April 15, 2016 in Decor, DIY

Color Style Guide: Black Home Office Ideas

Color Style Guide: Black Home Office Ideas

Paint the walls all black. That is what a black home office is all about. If you’d rather go for a more black and white office design then check out my post here.

Now all of this black can be a bit overwhelming, so here are some ideas on how to add some color and how to break up all of that black.

Break Up Flat Black Walls

Here are some ways to add a design element to a flat black wall:

  • Fit some trim to the wall to create subtle shapes, just like the home offices in pictures (1) and (3).
  • Or how about fitting wainscoting to the bottom of the walls. Wainscoting is traditionally white, but you can paint it black to match the walls.
  • Add some texture to the walls by using wallpaper (4). Or you can use black and dark grey paint to create a linen or marble look (Textured Wall Painting Ideas: From Faux Wood To Linen Effects).
  • Another way to break up a flat black wall is to hang up a painting, or photograph – or create a gallery wall
  • The curtains is another way to add a different shade to the walls

Black home office ideas

Ways To Add Warmth and Color to a Black Home Office

Here are some ideas on how to add some colored pieces to a black home office:

  • An area rug is an easy way of adding a different color to the home office – just like the home office in picture (1).
  • A wooden desk adds warm brown tones into a black home office space (2)
  • Another way to add some warmth, and green tones, is to have some plotted plants
  • A colorful lamp will add a pop of color to the space
  • How about hanging up a colorful art piece – just like the red one hanging in the home office in picture (6). Or you could hang up a black and white art piece or photograph but use a large colorful frame for it.
  • Your closet doors could have a makeover, adding a pop of color to the room(or decorate them black) – DIY Challenge: Give Your Closet Doors a Makeover

Color Combinations

You’ll want to stick to a strict black color scheme for your home office. This will help you create a well designed space.

Stick to only adding 1-2 other colors into a black home office; otherwise you’ll start taking away from the overall color scheme. The good thing about a black base color, is that any colored pieces you add to the space will really stand out.

Some good color combinations include: black and gold or brass, black and red, and black and brown (infuse as much wooden features as possible – just like the home office in picture (3)).

Have a look at these posts for more home office ideas:

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April 15, 2016 in Color Palettes, Home Office

The 3 Steps to Creating a Black and White Home Office Design

The 3 Steps to Creating a Black and White Home Office Design

When designing a black and white home office, there are 3 steps you need to go through. 1) eliminate color, 2) balancing the black and white, and 3) adding warmth. In this post I go over all the ideas you’ll need to create a well designed home office space.

Step 1: Eliminate Color

You can always have pops of color around your black and white home office, but these colorful pieces need to be hand selected and limited. If you have a too many colorful pieces, you start taking away from the overall black and white color scheme.

So you’ll want to take out all of the colorful pieces in the home office. Or store them away in black and white storage containers. Check out the storage boxes and files in picture (4).

Later in the post, I’ll show you how to add some warmth to your home office. Otherwise it could feel a little bit sterile.

Black and white home office decor ideas

Step 2: Balancing the Black and White

In the pictures in the mood board above, you can see that all of the home offices have a white base, and are decorated with black and white pieces. If you are looking to create a home office with more black in it, then check out my post for more specific ideas here: Color Style Guide: Black Home Office Ideas.

So here are some ideas on how to add patches of black to your home office:

  • Use a black area rug, or window curtains
  • Have a look at how the black cushion in picture (3) adds a lot of black into the space. So does the black lamp on the desk.
  • Use black and white storage containers (4)
  • Paint the inside of your shelves black, just like the home office in picture (5)
  • When it comes to office decor, go with black and white design pieces framed in a black frame (2). Or if you have any books with black and white covers, then display these out in the open.

Step 3: Adding Warmth

Here are some ways you can add some warmth and color to a black and white room. This will help make the space feel less sterile.

  • Try and infuse some natural materials into your black and white home office. You could use a white office chair that has wooden legs, a wooden desk top, or how about using a wooden planter.
  • Add some plants into your home office space, as these will bring in shades of green.
  • You can try and soften the home office a bit by adding in more fabric. Either by using area rugs, layering up the curtains, or by hanging a tapestry on the wall.

At the beginning of this post, I talked about how you would need to take out any colored pieces, to create a strong black and white design. Having 1 or 2 colored pieces, say a red lamp, is a great way to add a pop of color to the room. And since the whole room is black and white, this one colored piece will really stand out and make a statement.

Gold or silver decor pieces make a good color combination in a black and white home office design. Hang up a gold frame with a black and white design piece in it. Or have a brass desk lamp.

Here are some other home office posts for more ideas:

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April 15, 2016 in Color Palettes, Home Office

The Command Center: Home Office Organization and Storage Ideas

The Command Center: Home Office Organization and Storage Ideas

In this post I go over how home office organization ideas and storage solutions that not only make the most effective use of your space, but also decorate and style your home office at the same time.

Storing in Style

If you pick good looking storage pieces, these will also act as decor pieces in the home office. For example: use a set of matching wicker baskets on a shelf. Here are some other decorative storage ideas:

  • A wooden trunk
  • A wicker hamper
  • Wire baskets
  • Glass jars
  • A copper bucket (this can be used to store magazines, or used as a trash can)
  • Use wooden trays to group clutter items together

What these home office storage solutions and items have in common is that they are made of natural and premium materials. Get good looking pieces, and they will style the room.

But if you want a more minimalist home office style, then you’ll want to try and hide everything away when it is not in use. Just like the printer and stationary that is tucked away in a cabinet in picture (6). Or how about creating a DIY room divider (Ideas Mood Board: DIY Room Dividers).

Some other decorative storage and organization tips include:

Home office storage solutions and ideas

Make The Best Use of Your Space

Try and use your walls as much as possible. Stack them up with shelves to get more wall storage – or use a pegboard. Or the best option is built in units since these are custom built for your room – making the most effective use of the space.

Some creative ideas to get more storage space include:

Here are some other posts to get storage ideas from:

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April 14, 2016 in Home Office, Storage