Here are some notes on ideas and designs when it comes to using wallpaper in a kitchen.
Overall Look: Wallpaper is great for instantly decorating a kitchen. But one thing to remember is that it can make it a bit harder to create an overall design scheme. Whereas white painted walls create a blank canvas allowing for different colored cabinets, accessories, decor pieces, and flooring styles (Attractive and Easy to Maintain Kitchen Flooring Options). With wallpapers you’ll have to be careful that colors and designs don’t clash with other features in the kitchen (Beautiful Wall Decor Ideas for a Kitchen).
2 Forms of Designs: There are two main choices when it comes to wallpaper styles. There are plain textured designs which are timeless as seen in picture (1). Then there are more decorative stenciled and pattered designs as seen in pictures (2) (3) and (4). Another option is to use an embossed tile patterned wallpaper (some of which can be painted over) (5).
Kitchen Wallpaper Ideas to Create a Focal Point: Have all the walls painted a neutral color and then have a section of the wall wallpapered to create a focal point in the kitchen – just like in picture (6). Another way of doing this is to use wallpaper borders that span across above the countertops or up near the ceiling (7) (8).
Looking Up: Check out the wallpapered ceilings in pictures (9) (10), pretty awesome.
Textured Alternative: Don’t forget there is the great alternative of textured painting. If you didn’t want to paint a wall a single color because you thought it might look a bit flat and dull, you can use different techniques to create textured effects. For example – using a sponge can create a marble look while a brush can create a linen texture (Textured Wall Painting Ideas: From Faux Wood to Linen Effects).
Color Ideas: Don’t forget that all the main features in the kitchen from the floors, cabinets, the island, and furniture along with the walls make up the entire color palette of the room (11). To so see how to incorporate the wall colors and wallpaper with the rest of the kitchen, have a look at our post here: A Palette Guide for Kitchen Color Schemes: Decor and Paint Ideas. 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11
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