The toughest item to store in a laundry room is the ironing board. Luckily there are a number of ways to store it out of the way. You can even eliminate having to wrestle with it every time you need to use it. This post goes over a list of laundry room storage ideas, from using your draws as drying racks, to how good looking storage containers can help style your space.
Ironing Boards
You kind of need to wrestle ironing boards to get them open and to close them up again. A good way to get rid of this problem is to either fit a fold out ironing board in a draw, or have an ironing board that folds down from a wall. For pictures and more ideas on how to store your ironing board, have a look at my post here: Wrestling With Your Ironing Board: Ideas on How To Store It and Hide It.
Simple and Inventive Storage Ideas
- Draws: Fitting storage pieces into draws makes everything so much more convenient. Doing this also helps create a clean look in your laundry space, since it can all be hidden away when not in use. Above I mentioned how you can fit a fold out ironing board into a draw. Picture (5) shows a dryer rack that pulls out, picture (6) shows laundry hampers that can be stored away into cabinets, and picture (7) shows a handy pull out shelf that helps with sorting clothes out before they go in the washer.
- Railing: See if you can fit a railing to hang clothes on. This railing can be fitted in between cabinets, hung on the wall, or have it hanging down from the ceiling. You could go with a standard steel piece for your railing. Or more decorative options include a copper pipe, or how about a long branch for a more DIY rustic look.
- A Line: Have a look at the laundry room in picture (2) and you can see that a simple laundry line has been put up. Use it with pegs to hang up delicates.
- On the Inside: The inside of closet and cabinet doors can be modified for extra storage space. The doors can be fitted with hooks, railings, and baskets to store items.
- Hooks: Simple hooks can be fitted to the walls to hang up towels, jackets, etc.
- Wall Cabinets: Built in cabinets would be the best way of creating storage in a laundry room – since they make the best use of your space and are designed to blend in with your room. But hanging up a simple wall unit is another way to create wall storage and hide supplies away just like in picture (4).
- Going Portable: The rolling cart in picture (5) is a good storage solution if you have a small laundry room. This can be rolled out when it is needed, and stored away (say under a counter) out of sight when not in use.
Good Looking Pieces
If you need to store things out in the open, then look to get good looking storage pieces. This way they will also act as decor pieces for the room. Have a look at the wire basket in picture (1).
Other good looking laundry room storage solutions include: wicker baskets, wooden crates, glass jars, a set of matching containers, enamel pieces, and copper/galvanized buckets.
Replace the packaging of your store bought laundry supplies. Supplies such as detergent can be poured out into a good looking container (say a glass jar), and can then be stored out in the open – adding to the style of the space.
Here are some other laundry room posts to get more ideas from:
- Style Guide: Vintage Laundry Room Decor Ideas
- Design Ideas For That Perfect Basement Laundry Room
- Style Guide: Modern Laundry Room Ideas and Storage Tips
- Search all of my laundry room posts for more ideas

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