There is not much that can’t be dipped into some dye to create a nice soft gradient. Above there is the dip dyed: lamp shade from Design Sponge in picture (1), beanbag from PB Teen (2), strand of beads from AMM, and a dip dyed paper lantern from Susanna (4). Then there are dip dyed candles made by Martha Stewart (5), and an assortment of pillows that can be bought from West Elm (6).
Simply dipping fabric straight down into dye is the most popular way of creating a dip dyed piece. But there are ways to experiment – like folding the fabric to create stripes like the table runner in picture (7) by Sweet Paul. You can also roll the fabric up, or scrunch parts up and only dip those parts – kind of like tie dying, creating an effect like in picture (8) by AMM. Or how about sprinkling salt onto the fabric when the dye is still wet to create a textured effect?
And if you really love that soft gradient style why not use it on the walls as seen in the ombre paint DIY tutorial here (9).
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