Here are a few design tips to keep in mind when decorating a bedroom in red and black:
Wall Color Ideas: The biggest decorating decision will be what color to paint the walls or what color wallpaper to use. The photos above have been arranged into bedrooms with red walls, white/light colored walls and black walls. The bedrooms with red walls are quite striking. As a result, there will be little red elsewhere in the room.
White walls keep the bedroom feeling larger and brighter, and is a great canvas to decorate the rest of the room with black and red pieces. A bedroom with white walls only needs a few splashes of red (pillows, rug) because each piece will really stand out. This is if you stick to decorating the rest of the room with white and black pieces – allowing the red to shine through.
The bedrooms that are surrounded with black walls feel much more intimate, cozy, and even smaller. This is alright if you just want to stay in the bedroom at night and use it for mainly for sleeping. Once again, not much red is needed to make an impact. Splashes of white, like the headboard and side tables with a light colored floor as seen in picture (9), can lessen the impact of the black walls.
The Bed: In any bedroom the bed will be the main focal point as it is the largest piece of furniture in the room. As seen in the photos above, the color of the bed sheets and bed frame have a big say in the overall color scheme of the room. The more striking bedrooms make use of red or black bedding (blankets and sheets) while the lighter rooms make use of white sheets and add splashes of black and red through the pillow cases.
Decorative Red and Black Bedroom Ideas: In a few of the photos above (2) (7), you can see the contrast a large frame has hanging on the wall above the bed. Dark frames work best here as they contrast the white or red walls. 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
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