The biggest problem areas when it comes to wires are in the living room with the TV, tech items like the router, and any wires along the floor. Here are some creative ideas, from the simple to the heavy duty, on how to hide wires in your home.
Starting With The Simple Ideas
Why are all wires black, when most walls are white? The simplest way to get rid of that ugly wire look is to spray paint them so that they blend in with their surroundings. Or replace the wire with another one that has the right color.
Get decorative with wall trim and hide wires behind it. Check out the simple wall trim by Julie in picture (1). Or go ahead and create a pattern on the wall – the bottom left and right wall trim in picture (2) have wires hidden behind them.
Hide cables behind other objects – just like the tall books that are covering up the TV wires in picture (3) of the mood board.
For any wires that run along a wall, you can hide them away by using decorative trunking / raceway that lines up with your baseboard or floor trim – just like in the picture below (A)
Heavy Duty Ideas
Build a false wall just like Dana, seen in picture (4). Not only can these walls hide cords, but they can have your TV, speakers or other appliances built into them – creating a more modern and sleeker look in the room.
Depending on the wall you have, you can cut holes to feed your wall mounted TV wires through. This might sound difficult, but just check out House of Hepworths tutorial on how they hid their cables behind the TV – using a simple hand saw to cut holes in the wall. You can go a step further than what they did, and fit wall sockets into your new holes to add a finishing touch.
Don’t Hide Wires, Embrace Them
You could go the other way, and see how you can make the wires a decor feature in the room:
- Check out the copper tubing hiding the wires around the living room in picture (5)
- Rope can be wrapped around the wires to add a little rustic charm – the rope lights in picture (6) were a DIY project by A Merry Mishap. Twine can also be used (7)
- Wooden balls can also be added to wires (8)
- Replace standard wires with cloth and or colored wires. Let the wires add to the color scheme of the room, or use a striking neon color just like in picture (9) by Weekday Carnival
- More funky wire decor ideas include using the wires to create a design on the wall. Go with a vintage (10) or tech (11) design
If you need an idea on how to hide your wifi router, a popular idea is to use a hollowed out vintage book (B)
image credits: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11 A/B
More problem area and solution posts:
- How To Make Your Router Disappear: 6 Inventive and Creative Ideas on How To Hide A Router and Modem
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- Kitchen Storage and Organization | Part 2 Pot and Pot Lid Storage Ideas
- Storage Ideas Mood Boards Collection Page

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